From the campfire to the digital world!
Research theme: Language revitalisation
Duration: March 2023 - 2025
Coordinating partner: Sijti Jarnge (NO)
Mercator Staff: Helga Kuipers-Zandberg, Cor van der Meer
Funding: Creative Europe
Collaboration with: Pro Progressione (HU) and Sijti Jarnge (NO)
More information: Project website
On March 20th 2023, the Lingotell project was launched in Leeuwarden, Fryslân. As a cooperation project between Fryske Akademy/Mercator (the Netherlands), Pro Progressione (Hungary) and Sijti Jarnge (Norway), Lingotell explores the process of strengthening indigenous and minority languages, focusing on Frisian, Roma languages and South Sámi, and safeguarding the cultural heritage of these communities.
- Lingotell aims towards real change in how stories are managed and valued as cultural heritage. With an innovative, people-centered and forward-thinking approach, it fuels storytelling of minority and indigenous language communities in Europe. It uses traditional storytelling, be it songs, legends, joiks, or written stories, in a modern context as an identity creator by retelling, redesigning and redefining stories. From cultural heritage to a shared future.
- Lingotell aims to increase mutual understanding, not only between the indigenous peoples and regional minority groups directly included in the project, but among Europeans in general as part of a shared future. The project works with informants, experts, cultural artists, participants and professionals within the cultural and minority language area, aiming at skill transfer, anchoring of successful methods of reforming traditional stores, and empowering the minority and indigenous community members through storytelling in this context.
- The main findings and common features will be made available as a digital package for free. The products are specifically aimed at young indigenous or minority community members, to encourage them to familiarize themselves with their communities’ languages and traditions in an easily accessible way.