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COLING - Minority Languages, Major Opportunities

COLING promotes and develops sustainable measures for language revitalization and maintenance. The project is funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE scheme within HORIZON 2020 and runs from January 2018 to December 2021 (Grant Agreement ID: 778384). The project gives researchers and non-academic stakeholders opportunities to exchange knowledge and join forces in implementing sustainable measures for language revitalization and maintenance.

Research theme: Language revitalization
Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021
Coordinating partner: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Artes Liberales, Poland
Staff: Jelske Dykstra, Cor van der Meer
Funding: Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE scheme within HORIZON 2020
Collaboration withAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures (PL), University of Groningen (NL), Leiden University (NL), Mercator/ Fryske Akademy (NL), Gruppo di Azione Locale per lo Sviluppo Rurale dell’Area Grecanica (IT), Latgolys Studentu centrs (LT).

Project activities

CoLing promotes and practices:

  • collaboration of academic and non-academic stakeholders and knowledge transfer in both directions,
  • collaboration of researchers and organizations in Europe, the USA and Mexico,
  • participatory research in endangered languages and cultures,
  • language documentation with revitalization in mind,
  • innovative methods and materials in learning and teaching lesser used languages,
  • an enduring presence of linguistic and cultural diversity in public space.

Project outcomes will include:

  • an online platform dedicated to various aspects of linguistic and cultural diversity with educational materials for teaching the focused languages,
  • a serious game to be played on computers and mobile phones that supports learning of the focused languages and can be adapter to other lesser taught languages,
  • guidelines for creating innovative spaces dedicated to the promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity,
  • a joined publication of research articles on all four major themes of the project, presenting key findings and practical solutions.



Project activities are organized into four main thematic groups (work packages):

  • Documentation and archiving of linguistic and cultural diversity;
  • Trans-Atlantic perspectives and historical ties between the Americas and Europe;
  • Developing innovative teaching methodologies;
  • Multidisciplinary research in language and culture.



Site and social media

Please visit the project's website for more information and the latest reports: 

In addition CoLing is active on social media:

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