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VirtuLApp (Virtual Language App)

The VirtuLApp (Virtual Language App) project group will develop an innovative multididactic approach which teachers can use in the classroom in any (multilingual) situation. The needs of teachers (more knowledge about and tools for multilingual education, integration of migrant languages and lesser language separation) will be addressed with the development of a multi-player augmented and virtual reality app and the development of a digital handbook and toolkit with video-based documentation of best-practices of schools already using the heteroglossic approach in the classroom.

Research theme: Multilingualism and Language learning
Duration: 01/09/2018 - 31/12/2021
Coordinating partner: Mercator European Research Centre / Fryske Akademy
Staff: Marlous Visser, Cor van der Meer, Joana Duarte (NHL Stenden University) 
Funding: Erasmus+ Programme - KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / KA201 Strategic Partnerships for school education
Collaboration with: ATiT Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications (BE), Luca School of Arts (BE), Trinity College Dublin (IE), Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (ES).

Project activities

Even though the background of school pupils has become increasingly multilingual and classrooms have become ever more multilingual and diverse, migrant and minority languages are still rarely included in mainstream education and they are very often not recognised as an asset for learning. Speakers of minority and migrant languages must compete with national (and increasingly also foreign) languages for an equal position in the curriculum. This is because of a lack of knowledge about multilingual education and it's advantages and the lack of hands-on skills on how to implement a multilingual didactic in their classroom.

The project aims of the VirtuLApp project are to:

l. Contribute to developing a positive attitude amongst primary school teachers towards the languages of the pupils;

2. increase the knowledge of teachers about multilingual language development;

3. Provide tools to schools and teachers on which practical skills and didactic methods they can use in the classroom;

4. Develop an app which can be used in the classroom to train the skills and competences of teachers and pupils.



Innovative multididactic approach

The project will develop an innovative multididactic approach which teachers can use in the classroom in any (multilingual) situation. 


  • a multi-player augmented and virtual reality app about multilingual education to change the attitudes towards migrant (and minority) languages in education;
  • a digital handbook and toolkit for teachers with video-based documentation of best-practices of schools already using the heteroglossic approach in the classroom.




VirtuLApp Multiplier Events

To disseminate VirtuLApp's goals, activities and products, the partners organise five Multiplier Events in each partner country, to which VirtuLApp's stakeholders will be invited.

The VirtuLApp team will organise special workshops during these events in which experts in multilingualism will share their knowledge with the stakeholders, and in return the stakeholders are asked to share their experiences and what problems they are facing. Teachers are also actively involved in the creation of the app and the handbook as every partner will organise discussions.

For exact dates, please visit the VirtuLApp website.




Site and social media

Please visit the project's website for more information and the latest reports: 

In addition VirtuLApp is active on social media:

Would you like to receive the VirtuLApp newsletter? Please mail to info@virtulapp.eu.

