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Mercator Network Nieuwsbrief

Wilt u maandelijks op de hoogte blijven van de activiteiten van de kennisinstituten van het Mercator Network en tevens het laatste nieuws ontvangen over educatie en beleidsveranderingen met betrekking tot minderheidstalen in Europa? Meld u hieronder dan gratis aan.

Aanmelden voor de Fryske Akademy Nijsbrief kan hier ook.


Laatste nieuwsbrieven

Hier vindt u een overzicht van de laatste nieuwsbrieven van het Mercator Network.

Sinds juni 2007 (nieuwsbrief #31) verzorgt het Mercator Europees Kenniscentrum voor Meertaligheid en Taalleren in Leeuwarden de nieuwsbrieven van dit Europese netwerk. De nieuwsbrieven op deze website gaan terug tot 2015 (#109).  



With news about, among other things: FUEN’s European Dialogue Forum calls on CoE to strengthen protection and monitoring of minority rights, a new ECRML report on Finland, Cornish revived thanks to psych-pop and Covid, 110 new languages added to Google Translate, Plataforma per la Llengua obtains consultative status with a UN body, and much more!

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With news about, among other things: Europeans and their attitudes towards languages, two new ECRML reports on Croatia and Czechia, a new German naming law, Andorra approves a historic Catalan law, a new declaration on Nordic language policy, election checkstones of FUEN, the Premio Ostana Festival, Maartje Draak Seminars on Early Modern Irish, and much more!

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With news about the Mercator International Conference on 7-8 November 2024 in Ljouwert/Leeuwarden (NL).

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With news about, among other things: tThe Mercator Conference on Shaping Policy for Minority Languages and Multilingualism in November 2024, FUEN's EU Elections Manifesto, a call for greater protection for the Cornish language, call for input for the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Romani Digital Knowledge Area project results, new Frisian research on intergenerational language transmission,, and much more!

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With news about, among other things:the 2024 Korrika in the Basque Country, the ECRML Progress report on Sweden, the passing of Aureli Argemí, founder of CIEMEN, a Summer School on National Minorities, Suns Europe ifestival s looking for minority language musicians, ECMI Conversations with Experts, and much more!

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With news about, among other things: New recommendations for Latvia and Sweden, a new ECRML Evaluation Report on Denmark, a Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education, French students mobilise for the defense of regional languages, Sign Language plans in Northern Ireland, Turkish parliament censors MPs' minority languages, a white paper on AI in Catalan Education and Language, and much more!

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With news about, among other things: ECRML protection extended to Papiamento, new British Sign Language GCSE heading for classrooms, -NOS action group for defense and promotion of Valencian, a critical report on the future of Frisian Studies, Mercator's Cor van der Meer retires, a new CIEMEN campaign, and much more!

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With news about, among other things: thousands demonstrate against the condemnation of the Basque language, a FUEN statement on the Ukrainian Law on National Minorities, multilingualism in technical vocational education and training, a new Erasmus+ project Read with MEE, Applied Linguistics for All seminars, Digital help for rhyming Frisian writers, and much more!

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With news about, among other things: ELEN calls on Italy to ratify the ECRML, major concern over Latvian ban on Russian-language content, Corsican autonomy 'without disengagement from the state', a new online French-Breton translator based on AI, the economic value of a minority language, the 30th anniversary of the OSCE/ HCNM, and much more!

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With news about, among other things: Catalan, Aranese, Basque, Galician allowed in Spanish Congress, a report on endogenous regional languages of Wallonia, New ECRML evaluation reports on Romania, Montenegro, the FUEN Congress Main Resolution 2023, a white paper on Dutch Sign Language, the Mercator Multilingualism Lecture 'What (not) to expect when raising or working with bilingual children', and much more!

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