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Mission and objectives

The Mercator European Research Centre is hosted by the Fryske Akademy (Frisian Academy), the centre for scientific research on all aspects of Frisian language, history and culture. The Fryske Akademy is affiliated with the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and is a part of the institute and research organization of the KNAW.

The Mercator European Research Centre is part of the European Mercator Network.



The mission of the Mercator European Research Centre is the acquisition and inventory, research and study, dissemination and application of knowledge in the field of language learning at school, at home and through cultural participation. Its work is mostly focused on the regional and minority languages in Europe, but immigrant languages and smaller state languages are also topics of study.

The Mercator European Research Centre is situated in the minority-language province of Fryslân. As a research institute, the centre wants to make use of the excellent opportunities the Frisian situation has to offer as a living laboratory on multilingualism. At the same time, Mercator makes state-of-the-art research and interesting developments from other minority-language regions available to relevant stakeholders in Fryslân. In other words, the Mercator European Research Centre brings Fryslân to Europe and Europe to Fryslân.



Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning began in 1987 as Mercator Education, one of the three institutions of the Mercator Network. The foundation of the Mercator Network was initiated by the European Commission and the direct result of two resolutions by the European Parliament: the ‘Kuijpers resolution’ (Resolution on the languages and cultures of regional and ethnic minorities in the European Community) and the 'Arfé resolution'.

In the following 20 years the network was subsidized through earmarked funding (sometimes matched by host organisations in regional and minority language regions, such as the Fryske Akademy). After an extension funding programme called 'action programme' in 2004 – 2006, this earmarked funding ended. Currently, Mercator European Research Centre receives an annual subsidy from the province of Fryslân, which funds part of the day-to-day operations. A substantial part of the work is financed through temporary project funding.



For those interested in minority language (education), Mercator European Research Centre has various products on offer:

  • Our long-running series of Regional Dossiers offers information on the educational status of a large number of minority languages in Europe and Russia. 
  • The monthly Mercator Network Newsletter contains interesting news from the Network partners, news about minority languages and policy, as well as an overview of interesting upcoming events.
  • Even more information can be found in various reports and publications.
  • Mercator European Research Centre is also available for commissioned research. In recent years, Mercator worked on reports about
  • Accessibility for regional or minority languages to EU programmes (for the NPLD), about the role of Frisian in municipal reorganisations and about the reporting on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (for Dingtiid).
  • For specific questions on multilingualism or minority language education, you can contact us directly.