Sa leit it lân derhinne: The Frisian language in law, governance and field of knowledge

Fryslân is a multilingual province: Dutch and Frisian are both official languages. That makes Fryslân, but also the role of the Provincial Council, special. No other province in the Netherlands has a comprehensive language and culture policy with as many powers of its own as Friesland.

That also means that the Provincial Council have a special responsibility to monitor the province's implementation of this policy and to keep the state on its toes when it comes to fulfilling obligations towards Frisian that the Netherlands has entered into via agreements, laws and European treaties.

But what do these laws actually say, what exactly are these European obligations and how is Frisian actually regulated in education? With this brochure, Mercator wants to provide a handy overview of the laws, agreements and institutions that have to do with Frisian, intended for policymakers, administrators, representatives of the people and other interested parties.


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