EU election night 'Fryslân yn Europa – Europa yn Fryslân'

In the run-up to the European Parliament elections on Thursday 6 June, the EBLT is organising an open discussion with the three most promising candidates from Fryslân on Thursday evening 23 May. They are Christian Union list leader Anja Haga, D66's Raquel García Hermida-Van der Walle and CDA's Sjoerd Wijnsma. As European-oriented organisations, EBLT and the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (part of the Fryske Akademy) would like to offer everyone the chance to engage in informal discussions with these three Frisian Europeans. What do they want to achieve for Fryslân in the EU? How do they want to connect with their constituents?

Journalist Onno Falkena will lead the evening.


Three candidates from Fryslân

The European Union will play a role for everyone with the great challenges of our time, but European politics is sometimes far away from the people. All the more reason to get to know Anja Haga from Dokkum, Raquel García Hermida-Van Der Walle from Gorredijk and Sjoerd Wijnsma from Leeuwarden. What exactly do they want to work for in Europe? Do they also plan to work together in the European Parliament? And where exactly are the differences between Haga and Wijnsma when they join the same large EPP group in Brussels?

For the EBLT and Mercator, minority languages, culture and education are important. Themes that are just a bit less high on the political agenda in Europe. What can we expect from the three Frisian candidates in these areas? The structure of the evening is such that the audience will have ample opportunity to ask questions to the three candidates. These could include topics important to Fryslân such as the Lelyline, dairy farming or the protection of the Wadden Sea. 


EBLT and Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning

The European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, EBLT, is an umbrella body dedicated to the promotion and protection of minority languages in the Netherlands. More than 20 organisations are affiliated to the EBLT that work for the position of Frisian, Low Saxon, Bildts or Papiamentu. The Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (part of the Fryske Akademy) researches multilingual education and language learning in Europe. It is an independent and recognised provider of knowledge and information, especially on regional and minority languages in Europe. 


Wês wolkom!

The event is public and free of charge.

- Time: Thursday, 23 May, 8pm.  Walk-in from 19:30 hrs.
Location:  Tresoar, Boterhoek 1, Leeuwarden (NL)
Entrance: Free. Please register at EBLT in connection with catering.